New Year New Attitude
Its been on your mind for the longest time and nothing. No action no moment but this is where it ends.. We are going to share with you tips on how to take small action. Bit size nugggets in the direction you need to move towards to achieve your goals. This reminds me of a story.. A good friend of mine who is in amazing shape. She has guns like Michelle Obama and abs for days.. When she told me once “Omg I was so fat in high school”. I thought this was an over exagerated story. This small petitite thing could never have been fat. Maybe the odd 5 to 10 lbs but not fat..
Well she showed me a photo.. A image of her in High School and frankly she looked looked like Jabba the Hut. Seriously it looked like an image that was photo shopped but not in her favor. When I asked her what she did. She said one day she just decided to walk. In that moment was her decision to take action. She walked every days for as long as she could.. Then one day she started running.. The weight just came off as a result of the exercise, that an changes to her diet. To this day she does not trust herself with a bucket of Kentucky fried chicken.
Follow this space for tips on how to make this your best year possible. In todays video I have two quick tips.. Tips on how to be happy.. Simple and easy..
The mind is a very powerful thing.. As I always say “thoughts become things” ok Wayne Dyer said it first but still a valid statement..
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Until next time…